Wild Animal Safari™ is your destination for family fun. Whether you are cruising through the drive-thru trail or basking in the walkabout, you and your party are sure to enjoy your time at the park. We encourage you to plan your visit to Pine Mountain, GA, so you can get the most from experience. On this page, you will find a wealth of resources to help you plan your day with friends and family.
Calendar and Hours of Operation
The calendar below outlines our hours throughout the year. It is color-coded for quick reference. Our hours of operation change throughout the year, so please take them into consideration when planning your visit.

- As part of our operations policy, the last ticket will be sold one hour before close on each day. However, we strongly recommend arriving at least 2 hours before close so that your party has the opportunity to see the entire park.
- The tour bus schedule varies by season, but it will be posted on-site when you arrive. The park resources on this page can give you a general idea of when it is best to use the bus tours.
- In the event of severe weather, we will close the park for the safety of our guests. If you are unsure, please call before your arrival or before purchasing tickets.
Address and Park Map
1300 Oak Grove Road
Pine Mountain, GA 31822
Telephone: (706) 663-8744
While we will still sell tickets at our in-park ticket booth, you can purchase them online to expedite the entry process. Those with advance tickets may enter in a separate line. We encourage our guests to use the discounted online ticket options. If online tickets are sold out for a particular day, you can still purchase tickets for that day in person at the park.
Hand sanitizer is available at every cash register and several other places in the park.
Tour Buses and/or Rental Vans will operate at full capacity. Park staff cleans these regularly.
Dining rooms and birthday party rooms will operate at full capacity. Park staff cleans these areas regularly. Please be considerate of others and throw away all trash in appropriate trash cans.
Face coverings are optional for employees and guests alike.
We at Wild Animal Safari are invested in the health and well-being of all our employees and guests and are taking proactive steps to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. We encourage the following:
• Sending Any Employee Home That May Have Symptoms of Acute Respiratory Illness
• Promoting Proper Hand Washing and Hygiene
• Promoting Proper Coughing/Sneezing Etiquette
• Disinfecting Frequently Touched Objects and Surfaces.
• Buckets for Giraffe and/or Tortoise Lettuce are Thoroughly Disinfected After Each Use.
We encourage all guests to take steps and be responsible for their own personal hygiene as we continue our efforts to prevent and limit the spread of COVID-19 and other illnesses. For more information about COVID-19 and other communicable illnesses, please consult the Center for Disease Control or CDC website at www.cdc.gov.
Contact us if you'd like more information about our park hours or if you have any questions about tour availability. Our animal safari park is located in Pine Mountain, GA.